25 July 2011

New Natural Hair Regimen?

frizzed out hair after mini-braids
Hey everybody!

I've been watching a natural youtuber called cynthiarf. She has the same curl patterns as me but her hair is probably 2x as thick as mine! She has a method of caring for her hair where she co-washes daily, shampoo/clarifies every 7-10 days and uses 0 combs!

From what I can gather her method works by finger-detangling to remove tangles and shed hairs. This method also allows her curl pattern to form and become prominent. Basically her wash-n-goes look like she applied gel, even when she didn't.

after the wash
I want to try her method for a few reasons.

1. I know I comb my hair waaaaaay too much, and thats not good because I get fairy knots, tangles and I remove too much hair every time.

2. My ends are mangled, even though I trimmed well in March.

3. My curl pattern looks busted after all of that "protective styling," hopefully all that conditioning helps me out.

4. It seems low maintenance and simpler than what I was doing before...


shrinkage that I will have to learn to live with

1 comment:

Jen Hsieh said...

Good luck with the new method! Also, thanks for catching my mistake with the oceans - guess I was really out of it while typing up that post! :P


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