08 December 2014

Weekly Makeup Basket #1 WOC edition

I'm starting a project pan for 2015! I have a whole post on why I made the decision coming up tomorrow. But my first step is starting up doing weekly makeup baskets! The purpose of this is to challenge myself to focus on particular products and find awesome go-to looks that will come in handy when my panning challenge actually gets started.

I also noticed that every morning my tiny vanity table ends up a mess! It’s because I have too much crammed on to it. So in deciding what I will be using for a week or two I can pack my other products away and cut down on clutter.

So here are the shadows I'll be working with.

And the eye bases, the third one is MAC Indianwood

 Finally, my foundations.


Since this is my first time doing this I wanted to just focus on eyes and face  products. I didn't do a full face for a few reasons: 1. I don't own multiples of everything (ex. I own 1 face primer) 2. I still need to figure out what blushes and lippies look best with the eyeshadow  3. Since I'm new at this I didn't want to make it impossibly restricted. 
All the best, 

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