08 January 2012

2012: Minimalism, Money Management, and Means to Achieving goals

Hey Y'all,

Honestly, I usually forget about or abandon my New Year’s resolutions by the time I get back to school and start the spring semester.  I think that I do a lot better with more general life goals, which I eventually want to complete—in one year or many.

I recently found that I’m not the only one who does this; I’ve recently found many blogs with a “Life List,” which is a space for long and short term goals. I also included my ideas about how to keep up with 


Educational Goals
            Write ALL papers ahead of time
            Punch Out Procrastination 

Means to achieve: planner, scheduling, prioritizing time, working on time management and discipline. Waste less time online by designating time to catch up with blogs and youtube. 

Health Goals
            Run 1x a week
            Yoga or Cardio 1x a week 

Means to achieve: Exercising with friends, using mornings before class.

Financial Goals
            Pay off Discover Card debt ($870)
            Stick to a budget
            Limit & Record Purchases
            Save $1000 by the end of the year

Means to achieve: Using financial refunds wisely, using mint.com budgeting tools, discipline, planning purchases.

            Spring Cleaning of Wardrobe
            Organize and Prioritize Clothes
            Finish a Product before Buying more
            Limit Purchases

Means to achieve: Prioritize my wishlists/wants so they don't become overwhelmingly numerous.  Allow myself only a few select & coved items at a time. Mainly re-focusing my energy away from "things" that I don't really need. 

Other Goals
Travel out of state overnight (VA and MD don't count)

Life List

Buy a Car
Get Rook Pierced
Get Infinity/ Cherry Blossom Tattoo  
Find an Apartment
Travel to California
Travel to London
Earn Bachelors Degree
Earn Masters Degree
Go to Disney 
Get Married
Become a Mother
Buy a House 


Kitty said...

do you think you'll stick to these goals? I always make out my list and soon as I start skipping over things I just give up on it all. do you have any advice on sticking to goals especially financial goals?

Unknown said...

One thing I did to help me get closer to y goals is involve my family and friends because they'll help keep me going for longer. That really helps especially with fitness. For the financial goals I think find that using mint(dot)com and only using cash to spend really helps keep track of my budget. My problem is going to be online shopping b/c i love it, so If i can cut down on those things I'll call myself successful. lol almost counts


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