26 September 2011

Friday Night Nail Art :)

Hey Y'all,

Friday night I went over to my friend Jasmine's room. Usually on Friday nights she comes over and we watch a movie and paint our nails. This week I went over there (to the other side of campus) and we had a little nail shop party with some scotch tape.

This is a non_tutorial because I got the idea from this nail blogger for a checkered Mani so if you want more details go check out her blog.

When I saw the picture of this manicure I texted it to Jasmine and she was like "OMG Steelers colors, I want that!!!"

I dont associate colors with football teams, but it made her happy so I went along with it.

1. Paint nails the base color and let dry.
2. Get tape and stick it to your hand a coupleb times so its not extra sticky.
3. Tape off nails in a 90 degree angle so that 1/4 of the nail is showing
4. Paint the quadrant and remove the tape right after, you don't want the polish to dry to the tape and peel right off.
5. Apply top coat and let dry (all the way) before applying tape to start the other side.
6. Repeat step #4

21 September 2011


Hey everybody,

I hope you all are doing well. This semester started off HECTIC! But I’m trying to stick in there and get my self organized enough to deal with it all J

I have a lot of ideas for blog posts and youtube videos but the first thing I have to do is schedule my butt off, I’m talking every minute (ok maybe not) but seriously I’m going to get there….Eventually.

I’ll start off with a good ol’ fashioned outfit of the day.

This was from the first day of class…which is already about a month ago smh. 

                 Dress: F21 Heritage 1981/ Top: Dots/ Sandals: Payless/  Earrings: Street Vendor 
aaaand it was a good hair day!

How's your September/ Fall Semester been?


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